"Get a job!"

That is the comment most often hurled at homeless individuals as they panhandle their way through the streets of our cities.  Thus far, I have picked up more than 50 men off the street to help with various odd jobs ranging from landscaping to hanging cabinets.  Some are addicts, some are mentally impaired, some are just temporarily down on their luck, some are veterans, and many are targeted.

Imagine you were blackballed so you could not find permanent employment, and every business you started failed due to loss of lease, frivolous law suit, unfair competition, or employee theft and sabotage.  This happens to businesses everyday, but it does not usually happen continually to the same person with every business startup.  As stated previously in this web site, legal actions to stop targeting have thus far not been successful.  Naturally, drugs begin to look like an attractive way to forget the hopelessness of continual targeting.  This is not to excuse drug addiction, however; there would be less homeless people if targeting were stopped.

By far the most painful to see are the veterans, some with missing limbs, many with Gulf War Illness, whom the Government denies help and even accuses of malingering.  What a shameful national disgrace that the ones who risk their lives for their country are abandoned in their time of greatest need!

So, the next time you see a homeless person and you start thinking "Get a job!",  just stop and count your blessings that you have a roof over your head because
"It is only by the grace of God that you are not homeless."

Below are some of the crimes committed daily against the homeless
by sick, disgusting, spiritual retards:

On a "mission to clean up the community," three National Guardsmen were arrested in Medford, Oregon for beating a homeless man with a wooden club. They called him a disgrace to his race while they claimed to have "white pride." This beating was one of the many angry and vicious attacks committed against people experiencing homelessness that occurred in 2003.

A sampling of the headlines in the case narrative section of this annual report says it all:

Three Men Set Homeless Man On Fire (Nashville, TN, Jan.)

Homeless Man Beaten and Robbed by Six Youths (Sarasota, FL, Jan.)

Homeless Man Attacked as He Slept (Los Angeles, CA, Feb.)

Three Men Attack Homeless Woman with Baseball Bats (Minneapolis, MN, May)

Homeless People Hit in Drive-By Shootings (Austin, TX, June)

Homeless People Used, Abused by Insurance Fraud Ringleaders (Chicago, IL, June)

Group of Teenage Males Shoot Homeless Man with Paintball Gun. He Loses Eye (Ewing, NJ, July)

Four Teenagers Beat and Stole from Four Homeless Men in Videotaped Attacks (Chicago, IL, Aug.)

Four Teenagers Reportedly Attack at Least Seven Homeless People with Stun Guns (Cleveland, OH, Aug.)

Homeless Man Beaten by Police Officers (Fort Lauderdale, FL, Aug.)

Violent Attack Spurs March (Portland, ME, December)

Homeless Man Was Shot Repeatedly with a Pellet Gun (San Francisco, CA, Dec.)

Discrimination against people experiencing homelessness has become accepted in today’s society.